HOW TO: Grow Your Sales Using 2D Codes

By now, you’re probably already familiar with 2D codes. They’re the square boxes that are showing up on ads, posters and billboards that connect people to mobile sites for more product information. But if that’s the only thing 2D codes can do, then what’s the point?

Businesses that don’t understand how to use 2D codes think that they’re just a way to drive people through to a mobile landing page. But businesses that get it are using them in a variety of new and innovative ways — all of which lead to increased customer loyalty and greater revenue per customer.
Here’s a primer and some key examples of how top companies are using 2D codes to improve business.

How to Use 2D Codes for Business

The term “2D code” is used to describe the category in general, not any specific type of code. Some of the most common types of 2D codes include Datamatrix, EZ Code, Microsoft Tag, QR Code, SPARQCode and ScanLife, among others. Even though 2D code usage is increasing, the average consumer hasn’t used one yet, so you’ll have to help them get started. Typically, this means putting a short caption underneath the 2D code that tells people where they can download a reader for their phones, and explains the process of scanning the code. Speaking of which, are you looking for a good 2D Code reader? In my experience, some of the best 2D code readers come from and But don’t just take my advice. A search for “2D Code Reader” will bring up plenty of excellent sites where people can download them into their smartphones.

How the Fortune 500 Use 2D Codes

esquire imageCompanies ranging from American Airlines to Sports Illustrated have used 2D codes to promote their products or services. Here’s a quick snapshot of some of the best examples:
  • American Airlines placed 2D codes on outdoor boards in major airports to provide an immediate link to information for travelers on the go. Consumers who scanned the codes got real-time flight status, gate information and access to a reservation portal.
  • BestBuy has added QR codes to their in-store fact tags to give consumers the opportunity to review information about their products. Consumers can also save the information to review at home later or to buy the product instantly via smartphone and have it delivered to their homes later.
  • Barnes & Noble uses 2D codes in the back of its brochures to drive people through to the Andriod and iPhone App pages, where they can download the Nook app directly to their phones.
  • Esquire Magazine used 2D codes to give readers more information about fashion items featured in their magazine. Users can scan the code to get more information as well as a link to the designer’s website to place an order.
  • Fox Broadcasting Company used QR codes to promote their TV show called Fringe. People who scanned the code were given a top-secret message that was available only to people who engaged with the show using their smartphones.
  • O, The Oprah Magazine incorporated ScanLife 2D codes into a feature highlighting multiple products. Readers who were interested in getting more information about the products were able to scan the codes and were driven to mobile web pages.
  • Sports Illustrated used a JAGTAG 2D code to allow readers of their annual swimsuit issue to watch bonus videos of some of their models directly on their smartphones.
  • The Weather Channel used a QR code on one of their weather reports to drive people through to a page where they could download The Weather Channel smartphone app.
In virtually all of these cases, the 2D codes did something more than just drive people through to a standard mobile webpage. Instead, they gave the user a reason to interact with the mobile site and, in many cases, come back for more.

How Can You Put 2D Codes to Work for Your Business?

hello image There are a lot of innovative ways to use 2D codes for business, and new ones are being added every day. What follows is a list of 10 ways you can easily use 2D codes for your business:
  • “Hello, My Name Is” Tags: You know those big red and white tags people wear at events with their names on them? If you put a 2D code in place of your name, you’ll engage people and easily be able to strike up conversations.
  • Outdoor Billboards: Be one of the first businesses in your market to run a giant 2D code on a billboard for your business.
  • Websites: Add a 2D code to the “Contact Us” page on your website so that visitors can download your contact information to their smartphones.
  • Business Cards: Add a 2D code to the front or back of your card so that people can instantly download your contact information.
  • Books, Articles and eBooks: I included a 2D code on the back cover of my book that drives people through to a social media glossary. Our intent was to engage people with a social/mobile tool while they were in the bookstore so they’d be more likely to buy the book. So far, it’s worked well.
  • Webinars: Ready to make your webinars more engaging and fun? Simply include a 2D code as part of your presentation. It’s a terrific way to keep the audience engaged and involved.
  • LinkedIn and Facebook Pages: Adding a 2D code to your LinkedIn and Facebook pages is one of the best ways you can position yourself as a forward, innovative thinker.
  • T-Shirts: Ready to promote your product or service in an innovative way? Then add a 2D code to a T-shirt that you give away to customers and prospects.
  • In-Store Posters with Coupons: Want to provide instant coupons to people while they’re shopping? Add a 2D code that drives them through to a special discount that can be scanned at the register.
  • Dial a Phone Number: Want to encourage people to dial your number so they can order your product? Give them a 2D code to scan. If it’s set up properly, it can instantly dial their phone and connect them with your sales center.

A Final Word on 2D Codes

In the end, there are several things you should know about 2D codes:
  • They aren’t going away: In fact, 2D code usage quadrupled last year.
  • They aren’t just for landing pages: As you can see above, new and innovative uses of 2D codes are cropping up each day.
  • They aren’t just fun and games: The best use of 2D codes is to generate revenue, and that’s what we’re in business to do, right?
Here is the original article found on HOW TO: Grow Your Sales and Revenue Using 2D Codes.
