5 Brochure Design Tricks To Get Customers Excited

It is important that you get customers excited when you show your print brochures to them. It is this excitement factor that helps brochure printing earn its cost by getting those customers to respond to your marketing message faster. Do not worry, it is easy to achieve this excitement factor in brochure printing if you know the right tricks. Luckily for you, I am going to share with you five amazing tricks that you can also try out to make your color brochures more exciting.

1. Use a lifestyle theme – One of the easiest but perhaps most powerful tricks to use to make people excited about your custom brochures is to use a lifestyle theme. That is right, most people read advertising brochures because of the certain lifestyle that it promotes. Whether it is a luxury brochure that gives a glimpse of that rich lifestyle or maybe it is the “green” brochure that shows the more ecological type of life, custom brochures can easily use these lifestyle themes to get the right people excited about their message.

So if you want a certain kind of person to respond to your custom brochures, all you really have to do is to adopt the lifestyle theme that they are usually interested in. With the right kind of theme, design and message, it should be easy to get the right kind of person excited about your color brochures.

2. Emphasize one key and original factor – Another trick that should usually work in brochure printing is to emphasize one key and original factor in your brochure marketing message. Is that product in your brochure innovative in some way? Is your marketing offer very different from your rivals? Are there very unique benefits that customers can get when they follow your marketing message? By emphasizing those key original factors, people will definitely be more excited about your color brochures. With so many “common” offers out there, that unique or original kind of brochure offer should easily get people excited.

3. Display the monetary benefits – Now, here is something you should find familiar. By showing people that there are monetary benefits into responding to your brochure marketing offer, you can easily get them excited.

For example, by just telling people they can save hundreds of dollars and get 30 to 50 percent discounts on products and services, you can guarantee that a lot of people will be picking up your brochures as they get excited with the premise of getting bargains. Most people quickly respond to marketing messages with monetary benefits like this. It is only natural to want a bargain right? So if you can do some great offers with money savings, you can try this type of message to effectively get more people excited about your color brochures.

4. Display the personal benefits – Sometimes, beyond money, you can also get people excited by showing them the personal benefits of reading and availing of the offer in your custom brochures. For example, if you are selling weight loss equipment or weight loss programs, you can list down all the things people want to get when trying to lose weight. By showing them the personal benefits that they can gain in your brochure marketing offer, it is easy to get excited with the brochure. Since you are reaching them on a personal level here with their own personal needs and wants, you can easily get them hooked with your marketing message in this way.

5. Use sexy models – Lastly, excitement can come in many forms, and one of the easiest and most common things you can use is sexual excitement. Of course, I am not talking about smut here. I am talking about the use of sexy, good-looking models in your color brochures. With the right kind of models that are appropriate for the theme of your brochures, it is easy to get people excited in reading them. I know I will pick-up a full color brochure with a beautiful person on the cover winking at me. It really does work, so do not miss trying out this effective trick.

Hopefully the tricks above gives you that inspiration you need on how to get your own readers to be excited as they read your custom brochures. Once you understand the dynamics of excitement and brochure printing, you should be able to succeed with your custom brochures and get a profitable market excited about them.

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