Image Resolution

 Print files should always be a MINIMUM of 300dpi (dots per inch)

This is a high resolution (300dpi) file.    

This is the same file but only at 72 dpi. See the difference?

All graphics in your file should be 300 dpi (dots per inch). Images on computer screens look great at 72 dpi (that is the maximum resolution of a computer screen), but will look very jagged and fuzzy when printed. Enlarging graphics can reduce resolution and print quality. If you double the size of a 300 dpi image, the resolution will be reduced to 150 dpi. On the other hand, you can increase the resolution of an image by reducing the size. A 72 dpi image reduced to 25% of its original size will have a 288 dpi resolution.

Most images on websites are 72 dpi to allow for fast transmission over the Internet and look fine on your computer screen.  However, the low resolution will look grainy when printed. For more information please visit our FAQ at link:
